
Commentary on the conversations of our time...

Saturday, September 09, 2006

On LOVE and HATE (and other spoken expressions)

On LOVE and HATE (and other spoken expressions)

Has nay one ever noticed when an angry word is spoken, those near by cringe in response. As if being physically struck? It hurts?

I have to admit in my anger I’ve said things I regret. As much as we might agree that pain and emotional wranglings of youth can grip us for minutes, hours, or days – when it comes to adulthood, the pain of relationship can drive us to the brink of exhaustion.

And in that space – pain cannot only dominate the ability to see forward, but impact our minute-by-minute perception of our reality.

I could go on for days about the reality of our perception being fluid. Subjective. SUBJECT to interpretation. Not today. Today lets just think about the choice in the matter.

To choose to recognize the life vibration. That every synapse, every neuron, every nerve fiber and every circuit, and every atom, every molecule, every muscle, every bone in our body vibrates in harmony and as such is in tune with every thought we ever process, day, night, waking or asleep. We are tuned in to our bodies AND every other body on this planet.

Every bug, every flower, every tree, every drop of water is connected – and in tune with every other. If one suffers, the whole knows it. If one smiles, the whole knows it.

Unlike the bugs, stones, flowers and trees – we humans are supposed to possess the ability to make sense of it all and as such make choices.

OK. Sure. Makes sense to me – NOT.

If we bought into that definition there would be no more wars, no more hunger, no more disagreement over petty things. It can’t be that simple.

We are emotional beings. Our ability to reason is in continuous flux and fluid peaks and valleys. And amongst the morass we seemingly exercise the ability to reason and make choices that forward out motion. Make a difference, in not only our lives, but also the lives of those we care about, love, and our extended human animal and earth family.

So why is it such the morass?

Is it we have pushed ourselves to the limit? Have we taken all our Earth has to offer and given far less in return. Are we out of balance?

People are suffering the world around and some would even say fighting for survival. We are at a point some would say of leaping to the next level, or digressing to the last.

A turning point so to speak.

Minute by minute, choice by choice, every thought we think, every move we make – influences the outcome of the whole – micro and macro.

Food for thought:



from the best writers.

Designed to assist young persons to read with propriety and effect; to improve their language and sentiments; and to inculcate some of the most important principles of piety and virtue. With a few preliminary observations


By Lindley Murray
Author of An English Grammar, etc etc

By Israel Alger, Jun. AM
Teacher of youth, Editor of the Pronouncing Testament,
and Author of Key to Book Keeping, etc etc

Baltimore: Published by Cushing & Jewett, No 6 North Howard
Street, and by Lincoln & Edwards, Boston


SECTION I. – Happiness is founded in rectitude of conduct.

All men pursue good, and would be happy, if they knew how: not happy for minutes, and miserable for hours, but happy, if possible, through every part of their existence. Either, therefore, there is good of this steady, durable kind, or there is not. If not, then all good must be transient and uncertain, and if so, an object of the lowest value, which can little deserve our attention or inquirey.
But if there be a better good, such a good as we are seeking, like every other thing, it must be derived from some cause, and that cause must either be external, internal, or mixed; in as much as, except these three, there is no other possible. Now a steady, durable good, cannot be derived from an external cause; since all derived from externals must fluctuate, as they fluctuate.
By the same rule, it cannot be derived from a mixture of the two; because the part which is external will proportionally destroy its essence. What then remains but the cause internal? The very cause which we have supposed, when we place the sovereign good in mind, - in rectitude of conduct.

(For anyone who may have noticed, I tend to write (speak) in a assertive tones. I DO NOT pretend to have any mastery whatsoever of anything I ever share with you folks. Rather I’m searching, and sharing as I go along. Thank you for coming along for the ride).


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